Thursday, May 15, 2014


In order to really understand any people and time period, it's important to look, not just at secondary sources, but at primary sources as well. Rather than having you purchase an expensive supplemental reader for this class, I will post here links to some important primary sources online. For most class sessions, I will ask you to comment here on a selection particularly relevant to what we will be discussing in class.

To get started, here's a test of the History 152 blog system. If you don't already have one, please create for yourself a Google account by following the instructions at Blogger is linked to Google, and you *should* be able to use the Google account attached to your NSU e-mail address.  That doesn't always work, and you may have to set up an independent account.

When you can log-in to blogger, click the "comments" link below, and answer  each of the following questions:
  1. What figure from American history do you find the most interesting? Why?
  2. What is the most important thing you learned in your high school American history classes?
  3. What historical time period most interests you? Why?